Love your Class Build guides. I wonder if it's possible to include what gear works well with each too? This class should stock up on frag grenades, these guys should just have a nanoscale vest and the dragon rounds, the sharpshooter works best with the scope, extended mags/autoloader and supressor, etc etc.
I just find myself never knowing what weapon mods are best for the specific weapons or if mobility is more important than an extra flashbang.
I thought about adding an equipment section, like I did in my Early Game Tactics post, but decided that it varied too much based on your build and technology, and what was available and what other soldiers you bring on the mission.
In the early game there are fewer options regarding equipment and so load outs are more standard.
In general though I always give every soldier plating. Also, I use nanoscale excessively, with only the grenadier going without. Crit immune soldiers switch from nano to plating when available.
Flashbangs dwindle as my squad acquires other methods of control.
Later I try to equip one each of bluescreen rounds, red screen rounds, and dragon rounds when I can. Talon rounds for crit builds. Shredder if I don’t have the trait. It’s all very conditional…
Love your Class Build guides. I wonder if it's possible to include what gear works well with each too? This class should stock up on frag grenades, these guys should just have a nanoscale vest and the dragon rounds, the sharpshooter works best with the scope, extended mags/autoloader and supressor, etc etc.
I just find myself never knowing what weapon mods are best for the specific weapons or if mobility is more important than an extra flashbang.
I thought about adding an equipment section, like I did in my Early Game Tactics post, but decided that it varied too much based on your build and technology, and what was available and what other soldiers you bring on the mission.
In the early game there are fewer options regarding equipment and so load outs are more standard.
In general though I always give every soldier plating. Also, I use nanoscale excessively, with only the grenadier going without. Crit immune soldiers switch from nano to plating when available.
Flashbangs dwindle as my squad acquires other methods of control.
Later I try to equip one each of bluescreen rounds, red screen rounds, and dragon rounds when I can. Talon rounds for crit builds. Shredder if I don’t have the trait. It’s all very conditional…