I’ve tried many different opening strategies for EU/EW. The first few campaigns I tried rushing Lasers and then rushing captures to try to get plasma weapons. I didn’t like either of those strategies. You need to acquire 3 different Beam technologies to equip lasers on all soldier classes, and that won’t happen till the end of May at the earliest. Captured plasma weapons cannot be equipped until you research the corresponding plasma technologies, which take a very long time.
Armor is a much quicker upgrade. It takes the same amount of time as Beam Weapon research, and upgrades the whole squad, rather than just 1 or 2 soldiers. The +3 HP granted by Carapace Armor will often save lives as both Thin Men and Floaters hit for 4-6 damage, which is likely to kill un-armored soldiers. Its cheap too, costing 15 alloy per suit of carapace. With the alloy from 2 UFOs you should have enough for your whole squad.
I ran 2 successful campaigns rushing Carapace armor, and chopping my first MEC around July. Then someone told me its a good idea to rush a MEC in March and I decided to give that a try. It turns out to be a great strategy, as it requires only one cheap Technology (Meld Recombination) and a meld cannister. You can rush a MEC, then rush to Carapace, with hardly any delay. Having a MEC early means Carapace will be less important as the enemy will almost exclusively target the MEC unless one of your other soldiers is flanked. Lot’s of players prefer to get lasers first, and this is fine if you also have a MEC. I still prefer Carapace first. Below is the Tech and Base Build Outline for the MEC/Carapace opening.
Starting continent: Asia.
Research: Meld Recombination, Weapon Fragments, Experimental Weapons, Alien Materials, Carapace Armor.
Build: Satellite (day 1), excavate first level of base, Scope (after weapon fragments), Cybernetics Lab, 2 Phoenix Cannons, OTS (after acquiring a Sgt.)
Base Power: 22/30 at start. (22 + 3 + 3) / 30 = 28/30
You need a meld cannister to research Meld Recombination. If you grab a cannister on the first mission you can field a MEC soldier on March 22. Its okay if you don’t manage this, but the earlier to you get a MEC the better. The next priority is Weapon Fragments for the Scope. After that you want Experimental Weapons, for Phoenix Cannons, which allow a single Interceptor to take down the Large Scout in April. You could skip Experimental Weapons to speed up Carapace Research, but this will backfire if you fail to bring down the Large Scout in April. You will need the alloy from that UFO to actually build all the armor you are researching. Alternatively you can go with Beam Weapons research instead of Carapace Armor. If you are new to the game it is probably best to go with Carapace first, if not, you can prioritize as you see fit.
I love getting the 4 scientists as the first abduction reward. It almost doubles the speed at which you acquire technologies. Next I want to grab the Sgt. soldier reward if I haven’t been gifted a Sgt. from a council mission. This will open up the OTS and Squad Size I. If I already have a Sgt. (or a Sgt. is not offered) I take the Engineers as they will be needed in April to build another Satellite Uplink.
I usually lose 3 countries in March. With my one satellite I usually prioritize saving South America as the free Autopsies/Interrogations are a nice bonus that is easy to achieve in April/May. If that is already safe, then Africa.
I discuss tactics for March in this post: XCOM: EU/EW - Beating March
Research: Xenobiology (for instant autopsies w/ S. America), Beam Weapons
Build: Squad Size I, 3 Satellites (deadline Apr 9), Power Generator (deadline Apr 10), Satellite Uplink (deadline Apr 15), 4 Carapace Armors, Wet Work, Lead by Example, Interceptor (#3) w/ Phoenix Cannon, Access Lift.
Base Power: 28/30 at start. (28 + 5 + 2) / 30 + 6 = 35/36
The goal is to get 5 soldiers on the field, and have them in Carapace Armor as soon as possible. Squad Size I is essential to winning in April, and Carapace will make everyone safer, though a flanking Thin Man is still very likely to kill someone.
The next goal, just as important, is to build 3 satellites and an Uplink. This will keep you from losing to the aliens on the strategy layer, a very real possibility. You need 10 Engineers to build a second Uplink. If you didn’t get Engineers in March, you will need to choose Engineers as the first abduction reward.
Its a good idea to start building the Satellites after you have the extra Engineers as that will reduce their cost. You can also cancel build jobs, and re-initiate them when you get more Engineers, time permitting. If you already have all the Engineers you need the $200 reward is probably the best option, as you will need a ton of cash this month.
On the second abduction, Engineers are a good choice, in preparation for the Uplink in May, but any reward is workable.
The deadlines I have set for building Satellites and Uplinks are for the end of that day, giving a full 24 hours of leeway. All projects suffer a bit of time slippage. The actual deadline is probably about noon on April 10 for Satellites; noon on April 16th for the Uplink. But I wouldn’t push it that far. To meet these deadlines, sell all the resources that you don’t need. Typically I save all of my alloy, and most of my weapon fragments, and sell all my elerium and corpses except one of each species (for the autopsy). I keep all the Chryssalid corpses which are rare and required for Chitin Plating.
At the end of April I am looking for cheap upgrades such as Wet Work, or Lead By Example. Sometimes I get a soldier to Cpt. rank at the end of April, which means I should buy Squad Size II and another Carapace armor. I like to have the Access Lift building on the 26th so I won’t pay upkeep on it in April, but it will be ready right away in May to speed up excavating the 2nd level.
At the end of the month I will have 3 Satellites to launch; often with 4 countries threatening to leave. In picking who to save, I prioritize South America, then any other continent bonus, then rich countries. I will likely expand to a 3rd and even a 4th continent, and need to buy interceptors with Phoenix Cannons to guard them.
I discuss tactics for April in this post: XCOM: EU/EW - Beating April
Research: Instant Autopsies if you have the South America continent bonus, Precision Lasers, Heavy Lasers.
Build: Squad Size II, Carapace Armor #5, Laser Rifle, Laser Pistol, 3 Satellites (deadline May 10), Power Generator #2 (deadline May 11), Satellite Uplink (deadline May 16), Foundry, Iron Will, Rapid Recovery, Power Generator #3, Laser Sniper Rifle, Scatter Laser.
Base Power: 35/36 at start. (35 + 5 + 3 + 3) / 36 + 8 + 8 = 46/52
You will have much more money at the start of May with the successful launch of 3 Satellites in April. This will jump start the May build queue, and you should not need to sell many artifacts to meet the Satellite and Uplink deadlines.
Exalt will make an appearance mid month, and may hit you again at the end of the month if you forget to scan. As their Propaganda operation can steal a country, it is a good idea to scan before the 25th. Propaganda operations that occurs after the 25th cannot be halted (reducing panic) before the end of the month.
The Technology goal is to grab instant autopsies, complete Precision Lasers, and get started on Heavy Lasers. In June you should be able to equip all your soldiers with better weapons. With carapace, lasers, and a 6th man, your squad should have the advantage at the tactical level for the remainder of the campaign. You still have to play smart, of course, but you have survived the hardest portion of the campaign. Only a disaster can stop you.
Summary of Midgame months:
June: June is the last month you will be building Satellites + Uplinks, and it will be much easier, as you will have more funds. The next big bumps in power come from Ghost Grenade and Tactical Rigging; both of which will make your squad a lot safer. There are some good foundry projects that are cheap and nice to grab, such as the Scope, and pistol upgrades. It is a good idea to build the Arc Thrower and Alien Containment in June to get a jump start on captures; a Muton being a priority. Interrogating a Muton will speed up research on Plasma Weapons and his grenade will open up the Alien Grenade foundry project. July: As you will no longer need to build Satellites and Uplinks you can now focus on Workshops and Laboratories. I don't think its very important, but if you want to gene mod your soldiers you will have ample resources to do so in July if you haven't already. Plasma research takes forever, so I prefer to get Titan Armor first, which requires Alien Power Systems and Elerium. End of July is a good goal for chopping a Colonel Sniper into a MEC. You need 2 Colonel Snipers for this to be a huge improvement for your squad. I don't upgrade the suit of the first MEC, instead saving up meld for this newly chopped Sniper MEC. August - September: If you built 3 Laboratories in July, and interrogated a Muton, then plasma is a good option for August. I prioritize the Plasma Sniper then Heavy Plasma. After obtaining these I feel strong enough for the Alien Base Assault. The aliens will counterattack about 20 days later; enough time to grab 1-2 more plasma techs. Make sure that your top soldiers (as listed in the barracks) are all equipped with your best armor and weapons as you won't be able to alter their gear when the Base Defense mission happens. You are now in the late game. Good luck, commander!